Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Generation of Farmers.

   Spring for this family means planting.  For me it means planting flowers and for my husband and our boys it means getting the crops in on the family farm.  Like so many others who have been raised on a farms it becomes a family tradition passed on proudly from generation to generation to keep the family farm going. 
    Some family farms more successful then other family farm but all make up the fabric of our nations, rich farming history.  I am happy that my boys get to experience this type of life from both sides of their family.  With my father it is the raising and bailing of hay, that he feeds to his many race horse and beef cattle.  With my father-in-law it is the raising of soy beans and corn to help feed the nation.  Both I feel privileged to have my children be a part of as farmer's sons, farmer's grandsons and farmer's great- grandsons.

1 comment:

  1. Gee they are lucky they can get in the fields as wet as it is!!
