Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Generation of Farmers.

   Spring for this family means planting.  For me it means planting flowers and for my husband and our boys it means getting the crops in on the family farm.  Like so many others who have been raised on a farms it becomes a family tradition passed on proudly from generation to generation to keep the family farm going. 
    Some family farms more successful then other family farm but all make up the fabric of our nations, rich farming history.  I am happy that my boys get to experience this type of life from both sides of their family.  With my father it is the raising and bailing of hay, that he feeds to his many race horse and beef cattle.  With my father-in-law it is the raising of soy beans and corn to help feed the nation.  Both I feel privileged to have my children be a part of as farmer's sons, farmer's grandsons and farmer's great- grandsons.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May I Have a Glass of Water?

I am not a fan of some fast food restaurants with kids play land.  It is not that I don’t like to see my kids having fun.  I love that part.  The problem for me is seeing the wide range of parenting skills or lack of parenting skills.  When a mother denies her children of a simple glass of water and in turn gets herself and her boyfriend a shake each it bothers me.  When do you say something?  I don't want to undermine the parents but what did her children do to warrant not getting a simple glass of water? 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Loving those clouds.

This is me enjoying my downtime! 

Learn To Enjoy Your Down Time,

   How do you slow down long enough to enjoy the day?  In this fast pace world it is easy to get swept up in doing more with less time.  If we can find ways to accomplish more tasks in a 24 hour day we will do it.   I multi task and I have a hard time delegating responsibility to others.  It is sometimes easier and quicker for me to do the task then for me to explain what needs to be done and how.
    I found myself working on several projects this weekend.  In my head I told myself that I needed to do these thing to feel successful.  Sacrifice free time to accomplish the task at hand.  Then the weekend is gone and my kids are a little bit older I ask myself  what do I have to show for it?  So this weekend I vowed to slow down a little more.  It drove me crazy?  What is so wrong with me that I cannot slow down and enjoy a weekend with my family?  How can I enjoy my down time on the weekends?  Here are some helpful hints to assure that I have a relaxing weekend.
  1.  The big one for me is to set a time limit for house work.  Do the sock need to be paired up right away or can they wait for Monday.  Make a list of the most important housework chores and stick to that list. 
  2. Stop running errands.  If I can't get it done during the week it can wait for the next week. 
  3. Pick activities that are relaxing.  
  4. Appreciate the down time.  Painting the hallway is not relaxing.  It is work.  So try painting a picture of palm trees and leave the hallway for later.
  5. Be still.  I love laying in my yard and watching the clouds go by.  That should be easy to do as long as I can stay still long enough.  Plugging into my Mp3 player helps.      
.      We as moms try to do it all and when we can't we become our biggest critic.  It is OK to slow down and take it easy.  So love yourself and enjoy your down time, you deserve it.